Pratt Street – This street has an additional stone house, a house that used to have a stone facade and a house that used to feature a pink stone fireplace. Let’s take a look at them!

According to the Carson City Assessor’s office, this house was built in 1910 and was constructed in the Stewart Vernacular Style of Architecture as were many of the stone homes of that era.
So cute and so tiny. Imagine raising a family in this wee house – it was done, back in the day! This is one of the earliest examples of a pink stone house we could find.

Note the craftsmanship in the fireplace.
Uncle Jimmy’s house on Pratt Avenue and featured a stone fireplace constructed by the stonemasons from the Stewart Indian School in in 1920. This house caught fire in December 2016. During the rebuilding process, the fireplace was removed.
It’s not known whether or not the fireplace will be rebuilt as Uncle Jimmy wanted to sell/return the pink stones back to the Wungnema Family. The family refused. After all, who refunds a purchase 100 years after the purchase was made?

Years later, the stones are still in the yard (see left side of photograph)
This last house on Pratt was built in 1963 and featured a stone facade in the front. The stone, Wonder Stone, was quarried in Fallon, Nevada. The facade is the work of Don Talas, a Native American master stone mason.

During the Lockdown of 2020 – 2021, the house underwent renovation and in the process, the stone facade was removed. This made us sad as that was a piece of Nevada history lost forever. Hopefully, the stone was repurposed for a walkway or patio in the backyard.