This two-car garage is on the west side of Center Street bordering the Stewart Campus. We took these photos in October of 2018 and are now sharing them with one and all. It was a bright and sunny day. We were headed towards Minden, and taking the back way, when we saw the door of this building open. The garage sits directly across from the football field and track.
Being curious (some might say nosy!), we stopped. It was the perfect time for a photo op. We took the interior shot by inserting the camera through the door and using the flash option. After all, we didn’t want to be accused of trespassing. All the windows on this beautiful building are broken out and boarded over. The interior has been gutted.

We could not find this garage listed on the map included the application for inclusion of SIS on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
Some might consider this garage to be insignificant compared to the other buildings on the campus. We don’t – we consider each and every building on the grounds to be worthy of restoration.
We realize money is tight; however, start small and work towards restoring the bigger buildings. If people could see a couple small buildings restored, they might be inclined to donate towards the restoration of the larger buildings. Or, the small building restoration might make it easier to obtain grant money for the larger buildings. Just saying…