The pride of Carson City’s park system is the Robert “Bob” Crowell Multi-Purpose Athletic Center (MAC). Built approximately 9 years ago, the MAC opened on December 30, 2016 after 19 years of planning and fund-raising.

The MAC, along with its sister building, the Boys and Girls Club of Northern Nevada, serves the community by providing recreational opportunities. and encourages our youth to reach their full potential. The B&G Club was built in 2009.

The MAC offers 41, 000 square feet of recreational opportunities while the B&G Club offers 20,500 square feet for its approximately 1,500 members to enjoy. And thanks to a joint use agreement between the City of Carson and the B&G Club, there is now a staggering 61,500 square feet that encourages our youth to reach their full potential and allows the community to take advantage of the many programs offered by the Carson City Parks and Recreation Department.
Besides serving the community, these two buildings share something else: their builder. The stonework in both of these buildings was completed by Keystone Masonry. Keystone is owned and operated by Evelyn Wungnema Larkin, her husband, Paul and their two sons, Jeremy and Matthew. Evelyn learned the art of masonry from her father, Randall Wungnema.
Randall was well-known in Northern Nevada for his many pink stone creations. Both the MAC and the B&G Club illustrate that Evelyn and her family are well-versed in the use of multiple types of construction materials including stone, brick and cinder block.
Miles Construction commissioned a video detailing the MAC’s construction. The video shows Keystone Masonry’s contribution to the project. See
This weekend is the official Nevada Day Weekend – the weekend when the State celebrates its birthday. In addition to the Nevada Day Parade, Carson City hosts the Nevada Day Pow Wow at the MAC. The B&G building is used for additional dressing rooms and rest areas during the Pow Wow (
It seems fitting that this annual event be held in buildings constructed by Native American stonemasons. If you have an opportunity, attend the pow wow, enjoy the dancing, the drumming and these two amazing structures! Who knows? We might see you there!