This is Carson City’s own Mystery House. Look at this cutie! Imagine it’s a cold, winter day and you’re inside, sitting in front of a fire in the beautiful fireplace, cup of hot cocoa in one hand and a good book in the other. All snug and cozy! Best way to spend a snowy day!
All we know about this house is that it was in Carson City – quite possibly on the West Side. We’re thinking the West Side as it appears that C Hill is in the background of the photograph.
It appears that the photograph may have been taken between the 1930s through the 1950s. We’ve been unable to date the photograph or pinpoint the exact location of the house.
We have a suspicion that the house no longer exists. It was probably torn down to make room for a modern dwelling. We’ve traveled extensively through Carson City and cannot find it. We’ve talked to long-time residents of Carson City and they all agree that they remember the house, they just don’t remember where it is/was.
We’d like more information on the house – when was it built, where was it and is is it still standing. We think it could be the work of the Wungnema Family – it has the family’s trademark dark grout or mud, plus, we think we can see a piece of turquoise in the chimney. If you have any information about this cutie, we’d love to hear from from you.